JavaScript - 从文本中选择单词

标签 javascript select word

我正在尝试从 div 中的文本中选择一个词。我想单击文本并将鼠标指针下方的单词放置到变量以进行进一步处理。

function get_selection() {
 var txt = '';
 if (window.getSelection) {
     txt = window.getSelection();
 } else if (document.getSelection) {
     txt = document.getSelection();
 } else if (document.selection) {
     txt = document.selection.createRange().text;

document.getElementById("txt").onclick = get_selection;


Selection { anchorNode: #text ""My text is long and wise and it consumes a lot of interwebs."", anchorOffset: 18, focusNode: #text ""My text is long and strong and it consumes a lot of interwebs."", focusOffset: 18, isCollapsed: true, rangeCount: 1, caretBidiLevel: 0 }


请指教。我不想使用 jQuery。


您忘记将 .toString 应用于 txt:

function get_selection() {
 var txt = '';
 if (window.getSelection) {
     txt = window.getSelection().toString();
 } else if (document.selection) {
     txt = document.selection.createRange().text;
 document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = txt;

document.getElementById("txt").onclick = get_selection;
<div id="txt">"My text is long and wise and it consumes a lot of interwebs."</div>
<div id="out"></div>

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