javascript - 三.JS TWEEN move object to other object speed

标签 javascript three.js move tween

我制作了一个对象 move 到其他对象的游戏。

new TWEEN.Tween( object.position ).to({
   x: Math.position = pointX,
   z: Math.position.z = pointZ
}).easing( TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None).start();

问题是物体以不同的速度 move 到每个点,因为点的位置不同。




var speed = 5; // units a second, the speed we want
var currentPoint = new THREE.Vector3();  // we will re-use it

// this part is in a function of event listener of, for example, a button
currentPoint.copy(cube.position); // cube is the object to move
var distance = currentPoint.distanceTo(destinationPoint.position)
var duration = (distance / speed) * 1000; // in milliseconds
new TWEEN.Tween(cube.position)
  .to(destinationPoint.position, duration) // destinationPoint is the object of destination

jsfiddle例子。查看 tweening() 函数。

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