javascript - 从链中解决 promise

标签 javascript node.js promise

场景是这样的,我收到一个 get 请求,它触发了一个返回 Promise (promise1) 的函数,Promise 返回函数本身有一个 promise 链。 现在我不想等到链结束后再将响应发送到前端,而是想在中间的某个地方解决。


app.get('/data', (req, res)=>{


let promise1 = ()=>{
    return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
        /*What I want here is, just after the promise2 is resolved I want 
        to send the result back to the get router, so I can give quick response
        and continue the slow processing in the backend which is promise3, but this
        does not work as expected, I do not get the result in the router until promise3 is 
        resolved. But I do not want that. So any suggestions on how to achieve that.

            return promise3()           

let promise2 = ()=>{
    return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ 

let promise3 = ()=>{
    return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{     
        //Slow Async process

可以通过将 promise3 放入 setTimeout 来做到这一点,但我不确定 如果那是正确的方法。


此外,我不确定这是否是正确的做法 - 如果我错了请纠正我。


糟糕,看来我作为 How to properly break out of a promise chain? 的副本过早关闭了.你真正想要的隐藏在源代码的注释中:

Just after the promise2 is resolved i want to send the result back to the get router so i can give give quick response and continue the slow processing in the backend which is promise3, but

return promise3()

does not work as expected, i do not get the result in the router until promise3 is resolved.

这更像是 Can I fire and forget a promise in nodejs (ES7)? - 是的你可以。您只需要return 要从函数发回的结果,以便 promise 链继续处理并立即发送。缓慢的后端处理将通过调用它来启动,但不会通过将它返回到链中来等待它:

function promise1() {
    return promise2().then(result => {

        // kick off the backend processing
        promise3().then(result => {
            console.log("Backend processing done");
        }, err => {
            console.error("Error in backend processing", err);
        // ignore this promise (after having attached error handling)!

        return result; // this value is what is awaited for the next `then` callback
    }).then(result => {
        // do further response processing after having started the backend process
        // before resolving promise()
        return response;

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