javascript - onclick 在数组之间按 Angular 移动数组项 - 包括 Plunker

标签 javascript arrays angular angular5

我正在创建一个标签列表,当您单击蓝色标签时,它会添加到新数组并显示在上面,它在旧数组中应该是不可选择的,但它的位置由 css 标记,但是用户应该能够在新数组中单击它,它将返回到旧数组中的原始位置并从新数组中删除。我做了a plunker with what I have done so far .


这是 typescript 代码,任何想在这里查看的人都可以在这里查看

//our root app component
import {Component, NgModule, VERSION} from '@angular/core'
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser'

    selector: 'my-app',
    template: `
          <h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>

        Current behaviour: user clicks the blue tag and it goes into the array displayed above.
        user clicks already selected blue tag and it duplicated in array. wanted behaviour is that once selected
        it goes into the new array and it is then unclickable in the blue tags part, but you can click it from the above part and
        it will be visible and selectable in the blue part again

        TLDR: click blue tag and goes into another array, click tag in new array and it goes back to the blue array

                <div class="c-seedContainer u-displayOnly">
                  <span *ngFor="let m of matchArray; let i = index">{{ m }}</span> 
                <div class="c-seedContainer u-selectionSeed">
                  <span  [class.u-removeSeed]="stateOfButton[i]" (click)="changeState(i,c)" *ngFor="let c of cloneSeedArrayForSelection; let i = index">{{ c }}</span> 
    export class App {

    seed: Array<any> = [

        cloneSeedArray: Array<any> = [];
        cloneSeedArrayForSelection: Array<any> = [];    

        selectedIdx = 0;
        stateOfButton: boolean[];

        matchArray: Array<any> = [];   

      constructor() { = `Angular! v${VERSION.full}`

      changeState(index, seedWord) {

        // a) click item to add / remove a class
        // b) add item to a new array
        // c) compare both arrays to ensure they match   
        // d) if both arrays dont match show warning and allow to recreate 
        // this.selectedIdx = index;
        console.log("index " + index)
        this.stateOfButton[index] = !this.stateOfButton[index];
        console.log("seedWord " + seedWord)    

    ngAfterViewInit() {
      this.cloneSeedArray = this.seed.slice();  
      this.cloneSeedArrayForSelection = this.shuffleArray( this.cloneSeedArray  )
      this.stateOfButton = Array(this.cloneSeedArrayForSelection.length).fill(false);;

    shuffleArray(d) {
        for ( let  c = d.length - 1; c > 0; c--) {
            let b = Math.floor(Math.random() * (c + 1));
            let a = d[c];
            d[c] = d[b];
            d[b] = a;
        return d

    imports: [ BrowserModule ],
    declarations: [ App ],
    bootstrap: [ App ]
export class AppModule {}


我会将您的数组映射到具有 selected 属性的对象数组。



export class AppComponent {
  seed = [

  items: Item[];
  selectedItems: Item[] = [];

  ngOnInit() {
    this.items = this.shuffleArray(this.seed)
      .map(x => ({ name: x, selected: false }));

  select(item: Item) {
    if (item.selected) {

    item.selected = true;

  unSelect(item: Item, idx: number) {
    item.selected = false;
    this.selectedItems.splice(idx, 1);


interface Item {
  name: string;
  selected: boolean;


  <div class="c-seedContainer u-displayOnly">
    <span *ngFor="let item of selectedItems; let i = index" (click)="unSelect(item, i)">
     {{ }}
  <div class="c-seedContainer u-selectionSeed">
    <span [class.u-removeSeed]="item.selected" (click)="select(item)" 
                        *ngFor="let item of items">
      {{ }}

<强> Ng-run Example

注意:我还从 css 中的 .c-seedContainer.u-displayOnly 选择器中删除了 pointer-events: none; 规则

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