javascript - 如何计算不同数量的费用百分比变化的费用? Vanilla javascript

标签 javascript




剩余 80,000 及以下的另 3%,

如果余数超过 80,000,则为 2.5%。

我用一个简单的 if 语句处理了前 5000 个。我知道我应该用 else if 语句完成其他 2 个条件,但我想不出如何仅“定位”用户输入号码的特定部分?也就是说,如果他们输入 70,000 个,我如何针对前 5000 个收取 8%,然后对剩余的 65,000 个收取 3% 的费用...等等。谢谢!

附言抱歉,codepen 中的烦人窗口提示大声笑。

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
        function part04() {

            //    Define all variables 
            var costOfBuilding;
            var builderFee;
            var outputMessage;

            //    Obtain building cost from user
            costOfBuilding = prompt('What is the cost of the building?');

            //    Convert user string to a number
            costOfBuilding = Number(costOfBuilding);

            //    Calculate builder fee
            if (costOfBuilding <= 5000) {
                builderFee = costOfBuilding * .08;
                outputMessage = 'For a building that costs $'
                                + costOfBuilding
                                + ' the architect\'s fee will be $'
                                + architectFee
                                + '.';

            //    Display output message with building cost and builder fee

      <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">



if (costOfBuilding <= 5000) {
    builderFee = costOfBuilding * .08;
} else if (costOfBuilding > 5000 && costOfBuilding <= 85000) {
    remainingCost = costOfBuilding - 5000;
    builderFee = (5000 * .08) + remainingCost * .03;
} else if (costOfBuilding > 85000) {
    remainingCost = costOfBuilding - 5000;
    builderFee = (5000 * .08) + remainingCost * .025;

    outputMessage = 'For a building that costs $'
                    + costOfBuilding
                    + ' the architect\'s fee will be $'
                    + builderFee
                    + '.';


如下更新您的计算并删除 if 条件。:

architectFee = (Math.min(costOfBuilding, 5000) * 0.08) + (Math.max(costOfBuilding - 5000, 0) * (costOfBuilding > 80000 ? 0.025 : 0.03));

function part04() {

  //    Define all variables 
  var costOfBuilding;
  var architectFee;
  var outputMessage;

  //    Obtain building cost from user
  costOfBuilding = prompt('What is the cost of the building?');

  //    Convert user string to a number
  costOfBuilding = Number(costOfBuilding);

  //    Calculate architect's fee

  //architectFee = (Math.min(costOfBuilding, 5000) * 0.08) + (Math.max(costOfBuilding - 5000, 0) * 0.03) + (Math.max(costOfBuilding - 80000, 0) * 0.025);
  architectFee = (Math.min(costOfBuilding, 5000) * 0.08) + (Math.max(costOfBuilding - 5000, 0) * (costOfBuilding > 80000 ? 0.025 : 0.03));

  outputMessage = 'For a building that costs $' +
    costOfBuilding +
    ' the architect\'s fee will be $' +
    architectFee +

  //    Display output message with building cost and architect fee


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