javascript - 为什么这个数组只是选择随机数?

标签 javascript html

我正在创建一个非常基本的程序,允许用户使用一组按钮循环浏览图像,而我遇到的主要问题是它似乎只是在选择数组中的随机点。例如,数组从 1 开始,但它显示位置 0 的图像,或者假设我尝试在图像中向后循环,如果我从 0(这意味着位置 3)开始,它'我将跳回到位置 1 的图像。我无法理解它。

var i = 0;

var imageArr = [];

imageArr[0] = 'img/img_BMW.jpg';
imageArr[1] = 'img/img_Chr.jpg';
imageArr[2] = 'img/img_Mas.jpg';
imageArr[3] = 'img/img_Merc.jpg';

function imageCycle(){
  document.imgCycle.src = imageArr[i];

  if(i < imageArr.length - 1){
    i = 0;


function imagePrev(){
  document.imgCycle.src = imageArr[i];

  if(i == imageArr.length - 1){
    i = 3;
<img name="imgCycle" width="440" height="250"/>
    <li><button type="button" id="back-Btn" onclick="imagePrev();">Back</button></li>
    <li><button type="button" id="forward-Btn" onclick="imageCycle();">Forward</button></li>



作为旁注,像通过 onclick 属性那样绑定(bind)事件处理程序不再是真正的首选方式。尝试改用 addEventListener

var i = 0;

// Use some actuale images so we can see what happens in the DOM.
var imageArr = [

 * A method to alter the index. Pass 1 to go to the next slide and -1 to go to 
 * the previous slide. It will make sure the index is never out of bounds.
function getNextIndex(index, modifier) {
  // Add the modifier to the index.
  index = index + modifier;
  // Check if the index is less than zero, this is unvalid and we will reset the index
  // to the last item in the image array. When the index is more than 0, check if it exceeds
  // the index for the last item in the array. In this case reset it to 0 so we go back to 
  // the first image.
  if (index < 0) {
    index = imageArr.length - 1;
  } else if (index >= imageArr.length) {
    index = 0;
  return index;

function updateImage(index) {
  document.imgCycle.src = imageArr[index];

function goToNextImage() {
  i = getNextIndex(i, 1);

function goToPreviousImage() {
  i = getNextIndex(i, -1);

<img name="imgCycle" width="440" height="250"/>
    <li><button type="button" id="back-Btn" onclick="goToPreviousImage();">Back</button></li>
    <li><button type="button" id="forward-Btn" onclick="goToNextImage();">Forward</button></li>

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