javascript - 正则表达式制作带标签的超链接

标签 javascript jquery regex


我怎样才能将字符串转换成这样:something , 它在论坛中的完成方式?


$(function() {

  var editor = $('.editor');

    // editor.html().replace(/\[(.*)\)/g, '<a href="'+$1.replace(/\((.*)\)/g)+'">$1</a>')
    editor.html().replace(/\[(.*)\)/g, '<a href="">$1</a>')

<script src=""></script>
<div contenteditable class="editor">
<div class="output">



您可以使用 /\[(.+)\]\((.+)\)/g 然后使用 $1 获取链接的文本和 $2 获取链接的 href 属性:

$n where n is the capturing group position in the regular expression (a number) : the first capturing group is $1, the second is $2 and so on.

$(() => {
  const editor = $('.editor');
  $('.output').html(editor.html().replace(/\[([^\[]+)\]\((.+)\)/g, '<a href="$2">$1</a>'));
<script src=""></script>
<div contenteditable class="editor">
  [a link](
<div class="output"></div>

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