php - 需要一个 html 页面但不回显它

标签 php javascript html ajax

我正在使用 json 和 AJAX,以便在不刷新页面的情况下获取一些 HTML。 AJAX 调用调用一个简化的函数是这样的:

function postHTML($post) { // returns the HTML structure for a post starting from an array of variables
    # other stuff
    require('post.template.php'); // which is mostly HTML with just few php variables embedded

$data = '';
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $data .= postHTML($post);

之后我按如下方式管理 json:

echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'data' => $data));

其中数据应该是加载的每个帖子的 HTML 结构。 问题是当我需要 'post.template.php' 文件时,它使用 require 并将数据返回给 Javascript:

[HTML posts] {"success": true, "data": ""}

我怎样才能将 HTML 放入一个变量中,然后将其传递给 json_encode 而实际上不需要页面(仍应作为 PHP 执行)?


您可以使用 Output buffering , around your require, to capture the output, preventing it from being echoed : it'll get stored in memory, and you'll able to fetch it to a variable.



// Output is no longer sent to the standard output,
// but stored in memory

// Fetch the content that has been stored in memory
$content = ob_get_clean();


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