JavaScript 检查日期不是今天或过去

标签 javascript

JavaScript 检查日期不是今天或过去。

var c = '10 JUN 2010'; // this is the format of the date coming in.
var temp = new Array();
temp = c.split(' ');

var x = new Date ( temp[1]+" "+temp[0]+", "+temp[2] );

if (x.getTime() > getDate()) {
   alertstring = alertstring + '\n\nDEBUG CODE: 1 ' + x + '\n\n';



看来你 99% 都做到了。这是修改后的 if 条件:

var c = '10 JUN 2010'; // this is the format of the date coming in.
var temp = new Array();
temp = c.split(' ');

var x = new Date ( temp[1]+" "+temp[0]+", "+temp[2] );

if (x.getTime() > (new Date().getTime())) {

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