javascript - 在 Angular.JS 中使用 $httpBackend 测试需要 $resource 的服务

标签 javascript angularjs

我看了几个关于 SO 的答案,并通读了官方文档。据我所见,这应该有效。


var RESTServices = angular.module('RESTServices', []);

RESTServices.service('restCall', ['$resource', function($resource){
    return {
        servList: function(args, scope){
            // Lists servers from the API method
                .get(args).$promise.then(function (result) {
                    scope.servers = result.server_list;
                    }, function(error){
                    errorHandler(scope, error)
            }, ... etc.,


describe('Services that require API calls', function() {
    var restCall,
    beforeEach(function () {

        inject(function (_$httpBackend_, _restCall_) {
            restCall = _restCall_;
            $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
    it('Should supply a list of servers', function () {
        //var serverList = ['Thufir Hawat', 'Duncan Idaho'];
        //    .respond({server_list: serverList});
        // Would continue writing if $resource could inject...


Chrome 31.0.1650 (Windows Vista) Services that require API calls Should supply a list of servers FAILED
        Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $resourceProvider <- $resource <- restCall$injector/unpr?p0=%24resourceProvider%20%3C-%20%24resource%20%3C-%20restCall
            at E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:78:12
            at E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3543:19
            at Object.getService [as get] (E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3670:39)
            at E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3548:45
            at getService (E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3670:39)
            at invoke (E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3697:13)
            at Object.instantiate (E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3718:23)
            at Object.<anonymous> (E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3586:24)
            at Object.invoke (E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3707:17)
            at E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular.js:3549:37
        Error: Declaration Location
            at window.inject.angular.mock.inject (E:/workspace/JSUI/app/lib/angular/angular-mocks.js:2134:25)
            at null.<anonymous> (E:/workspace/JSUI/test/unit/servicesSpec.js:133:9)
Chrome 31.0.1650 (Windows Vista): Executed 30 of 30 (1 FAILED) (0.497 secs / 0.14 secs)

我读过的所有内容都告诉我这应该有效,那么我错过了什么?可以使用 $httpBackend 来模拟 $resource,对吗?来自 google 组的帖子(包括 this one 似乎表明它应该可以正常工作。


在尝试了许多事情并进行了更多研究之后,似乎需要将包含“ngResource”声明的模块包含在测试中才能使其正常工作。例如,我在 myApp 模块的 app.js 中声明了“ngResource”,所以一旦我包含它,测试就会工作。

在 app.js 中:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [


describe('Testing Services that require API calls', function() {

    var restCall,

    beforeEach(function () {

        module('myApp'); //this line fixed it

        inject(function (_$httpBackend_, _restCall_, _$resource_) {
            $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
            $resource = _$resource_;
            restCall = _restCall_;

        scope = {};


    describe('servList', function() {
        it('Should supply a list of servers', function () {
            var serverList = ['Thufir Hawat', 'Duncan Idaho'];
                .respond({server_list: serverList});
            restCall.servList({}, scope);
            expect(arraysEqual(scope.servers, serverList)).toBeTruthy();

预计到达时间:有人附和说他们通过添加 module('ngResource'); 解决了这个问题,我添加了 module('RESTServices');。我敢打赌,重要的是将 ngResource 直接或间接导入到您的测试中。

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