javascript - Scala函数什么时候执行

标签 javascript function scala

在 Javascript 中我可以这样描述一个函数

function showString(){ console.log("this is a string") }; 


> function showString(){ console.log("this is a string") }; 
> showString
function showString(){ console.log("this is a string") }
> showString()
this is a string 

在 Scala 中,我现在正在做同样的事情;

def showname() = println("this is a string")


scala> def showname() = println("this is a string")
showname: ()Unit
scala> showname // I am expecting a function, not an executed function
this is a string
scala> showname()
this is a string // I am expecting an executed function

Scala 处理函数的方式不同吗?我的期望错了吗?



scala> def showname() = println("this is a string")
showname: ()Unit

scala> showname
this is a string

scala> showname _
res1: () => Unit = <function0> 

返回 <function0>来自 UnitString :

scala> res1
res2: () => Unit = <function0>

scala> res1()
this is a string

您还可以检查 showname是一个方法,如果你修改它的签名并尝试在没有参数的情况下调用它:

scala> def showname(s: String) = println("this is a string")
showname: (s: String)Unit

scala> showname
<console>:9: error: missing arguments for method showname;
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function

对于函数和方法之间的差异,有 this great SO post .

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