javascript - AngularJS。添加全局 AJAX 错误处理程序(如果尚未定义)

标签 javascript ajax angularjs interceptor

如何设置全局 AJAX 处理程序,仅当我尚未为特定 AJAX 调用定义错误处理程序时才会调用该处理程序?


例如,此代码没有为 AJAX 调用定义任何错误处理程序,因此我想应用于此调用全局错误处理程序,我将在其中仅显示错误消息:

user.$delete().then(function () {
    // on success

但是这个 AJAX 调用已经定义了错误处理程序,并且我不想对其应用全局处理程序:

    $scope.deleteButtonEnabled = false;
    user.$delete().then(function () {
        // on success
    }, function(err) {   
        // Do some stuff and then show error message     
        $scope.deleteButtonEnabled = true;        
        alert('Error' + JSON.stringify(err))


您可以使用interceptors以及 http 调用中的一些配置。


angular.service('HttpInterceptor', function($q){
  var service = {
     response:function(response) { //Only if you need
        //If you have to handle response data based errors you could do this here
         return $q.when(response);
     responseError: function(response){
        if(!response.config.suppressGlobal){ //Handle error only if the global error handling is not suppressed
            //Handle Error based
            alert('Error' + response.status);

        return $q.reject(response);
}).config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider){
    $httpProvider.interceptors.push('HttpInterceptor'); //Push the interceptor here

在您的服务示例中,当您进行 http 或资源调用时,让该方法采用可选的 bool 参数来抑制全局错误处理程序,将其与 http 的 config 字典参数一起传递调用:-

   app.service('userService', function(){
        this.getData = function(suppressGlobal){ //Take a flag to suppress globals
             return  http.get('...', {suppressGlobal:suppressGlobal}).. //Pass the flag in the config
        this.delete = function(suppressGlobal){ //Take a flag to suppress globals
          return http.delete('...', {suppressGlobal:suppressGlobal}).. //Pass the flag in the config
        this.add = function(suppressGlobal){//Take a flag to suppress globals
            return'..', data, {suppressGlobal:suppressGlobal}).. //Pass the flag in the config


   // Code that needs global error handling
    user.delete().then(function () { //just call your service method as is
       // on success


// Code that needs to suppress global error handling
user.delete(true).then(function () { //Pass true as argument to the delete which will supress global error handling.
    // on success
}, function(err) {   
    // Do some stuff and then show error message     
    $scope.deleteButtonEnabled = true;        
    alert('Error' + JSON.stringify(err))

关于javascript - AngularJS。添加全局 AJAX 错误处理程序(如果尚未定义),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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