javascript - 如何将 json 文件加载到 Angularjs 中以进行 ng-repeat

标签 javascript json angularjs

我有一个简单的 json 文件,其中包含艺术家姓名列表,例如

["Vincent van Gogh", "Leonardo da Vinci", "Pablo Picasso"]

我不知道如何将这个外部 json 文件加载到 angularjs 数组中并在其上使用 ng-repeat。我试过的无效代码是:

<tr ng-repeat="artist in artists">
    <td>{({ artist })}</td>

var artApp = angular.module('artApp', []);


artApp.controller('mycontroller', function($scope,$http){
   $scope.artists = [];
   $http.get('/home/user/artist_names.json').success(function(data) {
      angular.forEach(data.MainRegister,function(entry) {
          success(function(data) {

不仅这个 Controller 代码不起作用,而且它破坏了我的 $interpolateProvider 代码并使 html 实际上显示了我的原始 Angular 变量。


ng-repeat 底部的示例链接

artApp.controller('TodoCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
          $scope.artists =;                

在 html 中

    <li ng-repeat="artist in artists">

在您的 JSON 中

[{ "name":"Vincent van Gogh"},
 { "name":"Leonardo da Vinci"},
 { "name":"Pablo Picasso"}]

来自 jaime

I ran into this issue with a node server hosted in Azure and the fix was to ensure the mime type for JSON files was set properly. I was hosting in azure so that meant ensuring a web.config existed with the right settings, but I'm not sure what's required with Django. Without the proper mime type the server would report a 404 like you mentioned.


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