javascript - 登录表单的输入验证是否过大?开销 + "too much javascript"问题

标签 javascript jquery authentication validation

在为我的注册表创建输入验证时,我想到了在我的登录表单上进行输入验证。我的登录表单需要电子邮件和密码。在 blur 上验证(并且仅当先前输入无效时才在 keyup 上验证)是否在电子邮件文本字段中输入的是电子邮件地址,并且密码是否具有最小长度(注册需要密码至少为 6 个字符)?







Would it be overkill to validate on blur (and on keyup only if the previous input was invalid) whether what is entered in the e-mail text field is an e-mail address, and that the password is of the minimum length (registration requires that the password be at least 6 characters)?

不,验证模糊并不过分。在 keyup 上验证就太过分了。作为用户,我个人认为这很烦人。

I already coded the server-side logic to handle login, so not implementing the input validation would redirect to either the "valid input but incorrect" or "e-mail not in system" error pages.*


Currently, my system has a different notification for an incorrect e-mail/password combo than it does for an e-mail that's not in the system. I notice many sites have the same message for both (something like: "user-name or password may be incorrect"), and many don't.


Should I change my system to allow for ambiguity, or is it fine as is?)


更不用说等待服务器往返的延迟明显高于本地 javascript 反馈。如果您使用 node.js 之类的东西,您甚至可以在一个地方进行验证,而无需维护它的两个副本。

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