javascript - 根据下拉选择将文本加载到文本区域

标签 javascript drop-down-menu textarea onchange selectedindex


How to fill in a text field with drop down selection

但它不符合我的需要,因为我生成的模板很长,而且上述方法太耗时且不切实际,因为这意味着要填写 value每个 <option> 的属性用我的模板标记。


<script type="text/javascript">
function showCSTemplates(sel){   

locations =[ "", /*this remains blank for first selection in drop-down list*/ 

/*option 1*/                 
" This is template 1 that  will appear in a
textarea keeping 
its formatting 
is. ",

/*option 2*/                
" This is template 2 that 
 will appear in a
 textarea keeping its 
 formatting as  is.

Contact Info: ",

/*option 3*/                 
" This is template 3 that  will appear in a
textarea keeping its formatting as  is.

Donec tortor lorem,  
ornare vitae commodo nec,  
sagittis et nunc. 
Maecenas sagittis quam ",

/*option 4*/                 

/*option 5*/                 
"etc...", ];
                        srcLocation = locations    [sel.selectedIndex];         
                        if (srcLocation != undefined && srcLocation != "") {      
                  document.getElementById('CSTemplates').innerHTML = srcLocation;   
}  //]]>


<h1>Note Generator</h1>

<div class="left">
<select class="c10"> 
<option selected="selected" value="" id="Templates" onchange="showCSTemplates(this);">Please select a template...</option>
<textarea cols="30" rows="20" readonly="readonly" id="CSTemplates">
Templates will auto-populate 
here depending on the 
selection made from the 


drop-down list.
</div><!--left ends here-->

最糟糕的是,当我测试这个时,我什至没有收到脚本错误,它根本不起作用,所以我不知道我哪里错了。我使用 <input type="text"> 完成了类似的页面标签,它们工作正常,但我似乎无法让它与 <textarea> 一起工作无论我尝试什么。


编辑于 2011 年 9 月 2 日星期五下午 1:17:34



/*option 1*/                 
" This is template 1 that  will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as is. ",


/*option 1*/                 
" This is template 1 that  will appear in a
textarea keeping 
its formatting 
is. ",

然后我收到“未终止的字符串常量”错误。会使用 \n解决这个错误?另外,我将它从脚本中删除了,因为我不知道该怎么做,但在 <textarea> 中它说的地方

Templates will auto-populate 
here depending on the 
selection made from the 


drop-down list.

当用户从下拉列表中选择一个选项时,我需要删除,对于 <textarea>使用脚本中的相应选择进行填充。谢谢!


好吧,你在代码中遇到了很多问题,主要问题是在选项中指定 onchange 而不是选择,我也解决了一些小问题,这里是一个工作示例


<h1>Note Generator</h1>

<div class="left">
<select class="c10" onchange="showCSTemplates(this);"> 
<option selected="selected" value="" id="Templates">Please select a template...</option>
<textarea cols="30" rows="20" readonly="readonly" id="CSTemplates">
Templates will auto-populate 
here depending on the 
selection made from the 


drop-down list.
</div><!--left ends here-->


function showCSTemplates(sel){   

locations =[ "", /*this remains blank for first selection in drop-down list*/ 

/*option 1*/                 
" This is template 1 that  will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as  is. ",

/*option 2*/                
" This is template 2 that  will appear in a textarea keeping its  formatting as  is. Credentials:  Contact Info: ",

/*option 3*/                 
" This is template 3 that  will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as  is. Donec tortor lorem,  ornare vitae commodo nec,  sagittis et nunc. Maecenas sagittis quam ",

/*option 4*/                 

/*option 5*/                 
"etc...", ];
                   srcLocation = locations    [sel.selectedIndex];        
   if (srcLocation != undefined && srcLocation != "") {      
                  document.getElementById('CSTemplates').innerHTML= srcLocation;   

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