javascript - Google VRView for Web - 添加热点

标签 javascript google-vr webvr google-vr-sdk

项目:基础网站,用Google的VRView for Web显示全景图,添加热点。

问题:Panorama 显示正常,无法添加热点,文档很差 + 谷歌搜索导致大约 8 天的结果很少。 1.5 小时。


<script type="text/javascript">

window.addEventListener('load', onVrViewLoad)
function onVrViewLoad() {
  var vrView = new VRView.Player('#vrview', {
    image: 'uploads/pano.jpg',
    is_stereo: false

  vrView.addHotspot('hotspot-one', {
         pitch: 30, // In degrees. Up is positive.
          yaw: 20, // In degrees. To the right is positive.
          radius:   0.05, // Radius of the circular target in meters.
          distance: 2, // Distance of target from camera in meters.


<div id="vrview">

请求:有没有人能够实现这些热点?我也试过点击按钮添加,但无济于事。在 laravel 服务器和基本 html 实现中都尝试过,但无济于事。



你必须把你的代码添加到on ready中

<script type="text/javascript">

window.addEventListener('load', onVrViewLoad)
function onVrViewLoad() {
  var vrView = new VRView.Player('#vrview', {
    image: 'uploads/pano.jpg',
    is_stereo: false
  vrView.addHotspot('hotspot-one', {
         pitch: 30, // In degrees. Up is positive.
          yaw: 20, // In degrees. To the right is positive.
          radius:   0.05, // Radius of the circular target in meters.
          distance: 2, // Distance of target from camera in meters.


<div id="vrview">

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