python - 在 behave python 中定义上下文变量

标签 python testing contextmanager python-behave




Given A random string of length "100" as "my_text"
And I log in to my platform
And I ask to add the following post:
 | title                    | description |
 | Some example of title    | {{my_text}} |
When I submit the post form
Then The posts table shows these posts:
 | title                    | description |
 | Some example of title    | {{my_text}} |
And I delete any post containing in the description "{{my_text}}"


我的想法是修改 before_step 和 after_step 方法...在上下文中设置一个变量来存储我的自定义变量,如下所示:

def before_step(context):
    if not hasattr(context, 'vars'):
       context.vars = {}

    if hasattr(context, table) and context.table:

def parse_table(context):
    # Here use a regex to check each cell and look for `"{{<identifier>}}"` and if match, replace the cell value by context.vars[identifier] so the step "the posts table shows these posts will never know what is `{{my_text}}` it will be abstract seeing the random string.

场景大纲,使用类似这样的定义变量,如 "<some_identifier>"然后为每个示例替换步骤中的值。




来自 Behave docs on the context :

When behave launches into a new feature or scenario it adds a new layer to the context, allowing the new activity level to add new values, or overwrite ones previously defined, for the duration of that activity. These can be thought of as scopes:

@given('I request a new widget for an account via SOAP')
def step_impl(context):
    client = Client("")
    // method client.Allocate(...) returns a dict
    context.response = client.Allocate(customer_first='Firstname',
        customer_last='Lastname', colour='red')
    // context vars can be set more directly
    context.new_var = "My new variable!"

@then('I should receive an OK SOAP response')
def step_impl(context):
    eq_(context.response['ok'], 1)
    cnv = str(context.new_var)
    print (f"This is my new variable:'{cnv}'"


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