正则表达式 : How can I surround all words starting with @ with <b> tags?

标签 javascript regex

我想用 <b> 将所有以 @ 开头的词包围在大海捞针中带有 javascript 正则表达式的标签。我会使用什么模式?


var sample = "@sample";
sample = sample.replace(/(^|\s|-)+@(\w+)/g, "<b>$&</b>");
//^^that's assuming you want the @ to stay
//if not, use $2 instead of $&

$& 插入匹配的子字符串。


var sample = "@sample";
sample = sample.replace(/(^|\s|-)+@(\w+)/g, function(str) {
    return "<b>"+str+"</b>";


查看更多here at MDC .

关于正则表达式 : How can I surround all words starting with @ with <b> tags?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180872/


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