python - 如何在pytest中只运行未标记的测试

标签 python pytest

我的 python 测试代码中有几个标记:


我能够使用标记有选择地运行测试,例如 pytest -m slowtest

如何在不求助于 pytest -m "not (slowtest or webtest or stagingtest)" 的情况下运行未标记的测试?



我发现另一个有用的选项是使用 pytest.ini 添加默认选项。我们明确地写下要跳过的标记。它需要在 pytest.ini 中对跳过的标记列表进行主线化。换句话说,不是 100% OP 要求的,但这是我在寻找默认标记时发现的最好的 SO 问题。希望这可以帮助其他人。

来自docs :


    Add the specified OPTS to the set of command line arguments as if they had been specified by the user. Example: if you have this ini file content:

    # content of pytest.ini
    addopts = --maxfail=2 -rf  # exit after 2 failures, report fail info

    issuing pytest actually means:

    pytest --maxfail=2 -rf

    Default is to add no options.

我添加到我的 pytest.ini 中的内容

addopts = -m "not slow"
markers =
    slow: marks tests as slow (deselect with '-m "not slow"')


﮸$ grep 'mark.slow' tests/*.py | wc -l

$ pytest -s
======================================================= test session starts ========================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.2, pytest-6.0.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /tests, configfile: pytest.ini
collected 66 items / 3 deselected / 63 selected                                                                                    

../tests/ ...............................................................

================================================= 63 passed, 3 deselected in 8.70s =================================================

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