javascript - 如何从正则表达式创建随机字符串

标签 javascript regex ecmascript-6



random_string(/^[0-9]{4}$/) //==> 7895
random_string(/^[0-9]{4}$/) //==> 0804
random_string(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/) //==> 9ZE5
random_string(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/) //==> 84D6


可以看randexp.js ,它正是你想要的

console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9]{4}$/).gen());
console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9]{4}$/).gen());
console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/).gen());
console.log(new RandExp(/^[0-9,A-Z]{4}$/).gen());
<script src=""></script>


Repetitional tokens such as *, +, and {3,} have an infinite max range. In this case, randexp looks at its min and adds 100 to it to get a useable max value. If you want to use another int other than 100 you can change the max property in RandExp.prototype or the RandExp instance.

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