python - 如何参数化python unittest setUp方法?

标签 python nosetests unit-testing

我正在尝试使用不同的设置方法运行相同的测试用例。我试过使用 nosetests 和参数化,但它似乎不支持参数化 setUp 方法。这是我正在尝试做的一个例子:

from nose_parameterized import parameterized

class Example(unittest.TestCase):

    @parameterized.expand(['device1', 'device2'])
    def setUp(self, device):
        desired_caps = {}
        desired_caps['key1'] = device
        desired_caps['key2'] = 'constant value'

    self.driver = webdriver.Remote(url, desired_caps)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_app_launch(self):
        # assert something

错误是:TypeError: setUp() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

有没有其他方法可以参数化 setUp 方法?我还研究了 nosetests 生成器,但它似乎也不是可行的方法。


所以我的方法是设置一个基础测试,其中包含设备必须通过的所有测试。然后,您必须对从该 baseTest 继承的 deviceTests 使用它们自己的特定于设备的额外设置。

# this is the base test. Everything that is not specific to the device is set up here. It also contains all the testCases.
import unittest
class deviceTest( unittest.TestCase ):

  def setUp( self ):
    General setUp here
    self.desired_caps = {}
    self.desired_caps['key2'] = 'constant value'

  def testWorkflow( self ):
    Here come the tests that the devices have to pass

class device1Test( deviceTest ):

  def setUp( self ):
    device1 specific setup
    #also run general setUp    
    deviceTest.setUp( self )
    self.desired_caps['key1'] = device
    self.driver = webdriver.Remote(url, desired_caps)

class device2Test( deviceTest ):

  def setUp( self ):
    device2 specific setup
    #also run general setUp
    deviceTest.setUp( self )
    self.desired_caps['key1'] = device
    self.driver = webdriver.Remote(url, desired_caps)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( device1Test )
  suite.addTest( unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(device2Test ) )
  unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity = 2 ).run( suite )

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