javascript - 如何避免为两个单独的数据源嵌套 getJSON?

标签 javascript jquery


$.getJSON("firsturl", function(source1) {
   $.getJSON("secondurl", function(source2) {
      // I have source 1 and source 2 data here!

有什么更好的方法可以从两个来源获取数据......并在不嵌套所有这些 $.getJSON 调用的情况下对它们进行处理?


您可以使用 $.when

$.when($.getJSON("/firsturl"), $.getJSON("secondurl")).done(function(result1, result2){
  /* result1 and result2 are arguments resolved for the
      page1 and page2 ajax requests, respectively. 
      each argument is an array with the following 
      structure: [ data, statusText, jqXHR ] */

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