javascript - 以 coldfusion 形式提交时未选中复选框

标签 javascript coldfusion

我再次在此处发布此问题,因为我需要上一个问题的进一步帮助 Checkbox in a ColdFusion form

<form action="view_emp_qual.cfm?show=yes" id="Myform" method="post" name="myform">

    <table id="tab1" align="center">
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="return callme();" 
            <cfif structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox3')>
            name="chkbox3" id="chkbox3"> 
            <strong>All Employees</strong>

            <input type="checkbox" onclick="return callme1();" 
            <cfif NOT structKeyExists(form, 'fieldnames') OR structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox1') OR (structKeyExists(form, 'fieldnames') and structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox1'))>
            name="chkbox1" id="chkbox1" /> 
            <strong>Agreement Only</strong>

            <input type="checkbox" onclick="return callme1();" 
            <cfif NOT structKeyExists(form, 'fieldnames') OR structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox2') OR (structKeyExists(form, 'fieldnames') and structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox2'))>
            name="chkbox2" id="chkbox2"/> 
            <strong>Active Employees</strong>

            <input type="Submit" name="submitnow" value="View Selected" class="button1">
            <input type="button" name="Back" value="Back to Previous Menu" onclick="javascript:document.location.href('qualyrs_maint.cfm');" class="button1">

我现在有 3 个复选框,其中最后两个需要在页面加载和显示查询结果时选中。并且当最后两个未选中时必须选中第一个并相应地显示查询结果。


<cfif isdefined("form.order_by") and form.order_by eq "EMPLID">
    <cfif sort_order eq "asc">
<cfif isdefined("form.sort_order") and isdefined("form.order_by") and ucase(form.sort_order) eq 'ASC' and ucase(form.order_by) eq 'EMPLID'>
    <img src="images/desc.jpg">
<cfelseif isdefined("form.sort_order") and isdefined("form.order_by") and ucase(form.sort_order) eq 'DESC' and ucase(form.order_by) eq 'EMPLID'>
    <img src="images/asc.jpg">

这是 JS

<script language="Javascript">
    function sortBy(order) {
            foo = document.getElementById("order_by_id");
            bar = document.getElementById("sort_order_id"); 
            <!---if (foo.value == order) {
                //same thing again, so flip the sort
                if (bar.value == 'DESC'){
                    bar.value = 'ASC';
                    bar.value = 'DESC';}
                //bar.value = bar.value == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC";  
            } else {
                //new sort order, so make it ASC
                bar.value = "ASC";
            foo.value = order;

        if(form.sort_order IS 'ASC')
            sort_order_value = 'DESC';
            sort_order_value = 'ASC';
        sort_order_value = 'ASC';

<form action="view_emp_qual.cfm?show=yes" method="post" name="sort">
        <cfparam name="order_by" default="">
        <input type="hidden" name="order_by" id="order_by_id" value="#order_by#">
        <input type="hidden" name="sort_order" id="sort_order_id" value="#sort_order_value#">

        <cfif Isdefined("Form.fieldnames")>
            <cfloop index="fieldname" list=#form.fieldnames#>
                <cfset fieldvalue = Evaluate("form." & #fieldname#)>
                <cfif not ("order_by,sort_order") contains fieldname>
                    <input type="hidden" name=##fieldname## value="#fieldvalue#">



你的问题/方法非常困惑,我花了很多时间试图理解你在做什么。我注意到错误但无法修复您的代码,因为很难阅读您所做的一些事情,我在下面创建了类似的东西 - 匆忙。它使用相同的形式进行排序和展示,并允许您使用其他几个“顺序”键(empid ...)。我还对其进行了评论,以便您了解我在每一点上所做的事情。单击订单链接会重新提交表单,传递当前表单中的相同值,并且在处理表单提交时,您可以根据需要使用 sort_order_value 和 order_by_value。

<!--- initialized needed variables --->
    isPost = structKeyExists(form, 'fieldnames'); //if form was submitted
    chkbox1Selected = structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox1'); //if chkbox1 is selected
    chkbox2Selected = structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox2'); //if chkbox2 is selected
    chkbox3Selected = structKeyExists(form, 'chkbox3'); //if chkbox3 is selected
    param name="order_by_value" default="EMPLID"; //default order_by_value is EMPLID
    if(structKeyExists(form, 'sort_order') AND form.sort_order IS 'ASC') //if  sort order was specified and it was ASC, change to DESC
        sort_order_value = 'DESC';
    else //if order wasnt selected, default is ASC and if DESC was sent, change to ASC
        sort_order_value = 'ASC';
    <!--- for debugging --->
    isPost: #isPost#<br>
    chkbox1Selected: #chkbox1Selected#<br>
    chkbox2Selected: #chkbox2Selected#<br>
    chkbox3Selected: #chkbox3Selected#<br>
    sort_order_value: #sort_order_value#<br>
    <cfif structKeyExists(form, 'sort_order')>
        form.sort_order: #form.sort_order#<br>
    <!--- end of debugging --->

    <form action="view_emp_qual.cfm?show=yes" id="Myform" method="post" name="myform">
        <!--- brought this here to save the current order value and the sort order being use. Meaning it can be used with other order keys --->
        <input type="hidden" name="order_by" id="order_by_id" value="#order_by_value#">
        <input type="hidden" name="sort_order" id="sort_order_id" value="#sort_order_value#">
        <table id="tab1" align="center">
                <input type="checkbox" onclick="return callme();"  <cfif chkbox3Selected> checked="checked" </cfif> name="chkbox3" id="chkbox3">
                <strong>All Employees</strong>

                <input type="checkbox" onclick="return callme1();" <cfif (NOT isPost) OR chkbox1Selected> checked="checked" </cfif> name="chkbox1" id="chkbox1" />
                <strong>Agreement Only</strong>

                <input type="checkbox" onclick="return callme1();" <cfif (NOT isPost) OR chkbox2Selected> checked="checked" </cfif> name="chkbox2" id="chkbox2"/>
                <strong>Active Employees</strong>
                    <input type="Submit" name="submitnow" value="View Selected" class="button1">
                    <!-- my code here can be optimized. I am only trying to represent the status of the order key. Whether it is being used (and is asc or desc) or it is not being used-->
                    <cfif order_by_value eq "EMPLID">
                        <cfif sort_order_value eq "asc"> <!--- comparison is case insenstive --->
                            <a href="##" style="background-color:##666666;font-weight:bold" onClick="sortBy('EMPLID');"> EMPLID desc<img src="images/desc.jpg"> </a> <!--- bolden order_by if currently used --->
                            <a href="##" style="background-color:##000000;font-weight:bold" onClick="sortBy('EMPLID');"> EMPLID asc<img src="images/asc.jpg"> </a>
                        <a href="##" style="" onClick="sortBy('EMPLID');"> EMPLID </a> <!--- inherits current sort_order_value when clicked --->
                    <input type="button" name="Back" value="Back to Previous Menu" onclick="javascript:document.location.href('qualyrs_maint.cfm');" class="button1">

<script language="Javascript">
    function sortBy(order) {
        foo = document.getElementById("order_by_id");
        foo.value = order;

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