python - 带有回滚仿真的 Django TransactionTestCase

标签 python django postgresql testcase django-testing

我将 Django 1.7.7 与 python 2.7.6 和 Postgres 一起用作数据库,并且我遇到了 TransactionTestCase 问题。在我的迁移中,我有两个 datamigrations,我希望它们在测试期间可用,所以我将 serialized_rollback = True 添加到我的测试用例 ( )。

测试用例的第一个测试没问题,但随后 django 提示 IntegrityError:

IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "django_content_type_app_label_6032a1f08b99c274_uniq"
DETAIL:  Key (app_label, model)=(admin, logentry) already exists.

我设法运行测试并通过将以下内容添加到我的设置 ( ) 来避免此错误:

TEST_NON_SERIALIZED_APPS = ['django.contrib.contenttypes',



这个问题在django related ticket中有很好的解释:


When using a TransactionTestCase with serialized_rollback=True, after creating the database and running its migrations (along with emitting the post_migrate signal), the contents of the database are serialized to _test_serialized_contents.

After the first test case, _fixture_teardown() would flush the tables but then the post_migrate signal would be emitted and new rows (with new PKs) would be created in the django_content_type table.

Then in any subsequent test cases in a suite, _fixture_setup() attempts to deserialize the content of _test_serialized_contents, but these rows are identical to the rows already in the database except for their PKs.

This causes an IntegrityError due to the unique constraint in the django_content_type table.

补丁已创建/发布,但仅适用于 Django 1.9.x。

对于以前的版本,我猜你应该继续使用 TEST_NON_SERIALIZED_APPS...

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