php - 如何在 Ajax 响应中调用 Javascript?即 : Close a form div upon success

标签 php javascript ajax

我有一个表单,当您提交它时,它会通过 ajax 将验证数据发送到另一个 php 脚本。验证错误会在我的表单中的 div 中回显。如果验证通过,也会返回一条成功消息。


因此,我编写了这个简单的 CSS 方法,当从显示表单的页面调用时它工作正常。

问题是我似乎无法通过返回代码调用隐藏脚本。我可以像这样返回 html

echo "<p>Thanks, your form passed validation and is being sent</p>";


echo "window.onload=displayDiv()";
inside script tags (which I cannot get to display here)...

and that it would hide the form div.

It does not work. I am assuming that the problem is that the javascript is being returned incorrectly and not being interpreted by the browser...

How can I invoke my 'hide' script on the page via returned data from my validation script? I can echo back text but the script call is ineffective.


This is the script on the page with the form...

I can call it to show/hide with something like onclick="displayDiv()" while on the form but I don't want the user to invoke this... it has be called as the result of a successful validation when I write the results back to the div...

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function displayDiv()
        var divstyle = new String();
        divstyle = document.getElementById("myForm").style.display;
        if(divstyle.toLowerCase()=="block" || divstyle == "")
            document.getElementById("myForm").style.display = "none";
            document.getElementById("myForm").style.display = "block";

PS:如果这对语法很重要,我正在使用 mootools.js 库进行表单验证..

AJAX 调用是:

window.addEvent('domready', function(){
$('myForm').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
new Event(e).stop();
var log = $('log_res').empty().addClass('ajax-loading');
update: log,
onComplete: function() {

Div ID 日志是 ajax 回调文本(验证错误和成功消息)和加载图形出现的地方


这是 How to make JS execute in HTML response received using Ajax? 的副本我在其中提供了所选的解决方案。

var response = "html\<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"foo\");<\/script>html";
 var reScript = /\<script.*?>(.*)<\/script>/mg;
 response = response.replace(reScript, function(m,m1) {
     eval(m1); //will run alert("foo");
     return "";
alert(response); // will alert "htmlhtml"

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