javascript - 带有 className 的可拖动 div

标签 javascript

我发现 theZillion ( ) 的这个脚本使 div 可拖动。我正在尝试使用此脚本按类名移动 div。而且不是通过 ID。



function wrappmover(){
    var moveEvent = "dice-window-wrapper";
    var addClassArr= document.getElementsByClassName(moveEvent);
    for(var i=0; i<addClassArr.length; i++){
        var addClass = addClassArr[i];
        addClass.addEventListener("click", movewrapp, true);
    function movewrapp() {
        var classToMove = "dice-window-wrapper";
        var elems = document.getElementsByClassName(classToMove);
        var tzdragg = function(){
            return {
                 startMoving : function(evt){ 
                     evt = evt || window.event;
                     var posX = evt.clientX, 
                     posY = evt.clientY, 
                     a = document.getElementsByClassName(classToMove),
                     divTop =,
                     divLeft =;
                     divTop = divTop.replace('px','');
                     divLeft = divLeft.replace('px','');
                     var diffX = posX - divLeft, 
                     diffY = posY - divTop; 
                     document.onmousemove = function(evt){ 
                         evt = evt || window.event;
                         var posX = evt.clientX,
                         posY = evt.clientY, 
                         aX = posX - diffX,
                         aY = posY - diffY; 
                 stopMoving : function(){ 
                    document.onmousemove = function(){}
                 move : function(divid,xpos,ypos){ 
                     var a = document.getElementById(divid);
                     document.getElementById(divid).style.left = xpos + 'px';
                     document.getElementById(divid) = ypos + 'px';



看一下下面的代码(这里是 a working example )。我希望您会发现它是不言自明的,但以防万一还有评论:

// Wrap the module in a self-executing anonymous function
// to avoid leaking variables into global scope:
(function (document) {
    // Enable ECMAScript 5 strict mode within this function:
    'use strict';

    // Obtain a node list of all elements that have class="draggable":
    var draggable = document.getElementsByClassName('draggable'),
        draggableCount = draggable.length, // cache the length
        i; // iterator placeholder

    // This function initializes the drag of an element where an
    // event ("mousedown") has occurred:
    function startDrag(evt) {

        // The element's position is based on its top left corner,
        // but the mouse coordinates are inside of it, so we need
        // to calculate the positioning difference:
        var diffX = evt.clientX - this.offsetLeft,
            diffY = evt.clientY - this.offsetTop,
            that = this; // "this" refers to the current element,
                         // let's keep it in cache for later use.

        // moveAlong places the current element (referenced by "that")
        // according to the current cursor position:
        function moveAlong(evt) {
   = (evt.clientX - diffX) + 'px';
   = (evt.clientY - diffY) + 'px';

        // stopDrag removes event listeners from the element,
        // thus stopping the drag:
        function stopDrag() {
            document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveAlong);
            document.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag);

        document.addEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag);
        document.addEventListener('mousemove', moveAlong);

    // Now that all the variables and functions are created,
    // we can go on and make the elements draggable by assigning
    // a "startDrag" function to a "mousedown" event that occurs
    // on those elements:
    for (i = 0; i < draggableCount; i += 1) {
        draggable[i].addEventListener('mousedown', startDrag);

将其装入或包裹在 <script></script> 中标签 as close as possible to </body>这样就不会阻止浏览器获取其他资源。



考虑用 makeDraggable(selector); 之类的内容替换匿名包装器哪里selectorCSS selector ,这样你就可以做一些疯狂的事情,比如:

makeDraggable('#dragMe, #dragMeToo, .draggable, li:nth-child(2n+1)');

可以通过使用 document.querySelectorAll 来实现能够执行复杂的 CSS 查询,而不是简单的类名查找 document.getElementsByClassName .


  • 如果页面有任何滚动 - 拖动看起来会被破坏;考虑通过 scrollX and scrollY 调整拖动元素的位置
  • 这显然在 Internet Explorer 中不起作用(请自行解决)。
  • 可能存在内存泄漏(需要分析和测试)。


那么您希望能够添加更多可拖动元素吗?有几种方法可以解决这个问题。例如,您可以写 makeDraggable(element);函数并在要添加到 DOM 的元素上调用它。它当然会起作用,但是让我们看看一些不同的东西,好吗?

我们为什么不为文档正文上的“mousedown”事件分配一个,而不是查询 DOM 来搜索可拖动元素并为其分配事件监听器。

触发时,事件对象将包含对 target element 的引用这是已调度事件的对象(您按下鼠标的元素)。代码的相关部分现在类似于:

// Performs a check if the current element is draggable and if yes,
// then the dragging is initiated:
function startDragIfDraggable(evt) {
    // Check if the target element (referenced by contains a
    // class named "draggable" (
    if ('draggable')) {
        // Invoke startDrag by passing it the target element as "this":, evt);

// Listen for any "mousedown" event on the document.body and attempt dragging
// the target element (the one where "mousedown" occurred) if it's draggable:
document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', startDragIfDraggable);

这是a working example上面的代码。作为奖励,它具有模拟向 DOM 添加新的可拖动元素的功能。

除了能够拖动动态添加的可拖动元素之外,这种方法还将节省一些内存,因为我们现在可以避免将一堆事件监听器分配给一堆元素。但是,如果您正在开发的应用程序是点击密集型的(例如游戏),那么您可能会因为每次点击的检查而浪费一点 CPU。

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