Javascript Canvas 拱形跳跃

标签 javascript animation html5-canvas

我在尝试让我们类的平台游戏的主 Angular (目前它只是一个箭头)跳进拱门时遇到了问题。我试图在开关内部创建一个 if 函数,这样如果同时按下向右箭头键和跳跃按钮,玩家将以拱形向右跳跃。但是,它只会直线上升。有什么帮助吗?这是我的代码:

var left = 37;
var up = 38;
var right = 39;
var down = 40;

var rightpress = false;
var jumppress = false;
var leftpress = false;

var CanHeight = 400;
var CanWidth  = 800;
var BackgroundX = 00;
var BackgroundY = 00;
var ArrowMove = 0;

  function preLoadImage( url )
  image = new Image();
  image.src = url;
  image.onload = function( )
      return;           // return image - image was empty made global

  function PreGame( )                 
      preLoadImage ( "pics/arrowright.png" );
      ArrowRightImg = image;

      preLoadImage ( "pics/Background1.png" );
      FirstBackgroundImg = image;


  function InitGame( )
  SetCanvas( 'classified' );


  //canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", doMouseDown, false);
  //window.addEventListener("rightarrow", onrightarrow, false);

  // Use the code below for perhaps a custom mouse cursor

  //canvas.addEventListener("mouseover", doMouseOver, false);


function SetCanvas( id )
  canvas      = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
  var div     = document.getElementById( id );

  canvas.width          = CanWidth;
  canvas.height         = CanHeight; = "absolute";   = "#222222 5px solid";


  Context  = canvas.getContext("2d");

  function DrawScene()
        Context.fillStyle = 'green'; 
     if ( ArrowMove == 0 )
       Context.drawImage( FirstBackgroundImg, BackgroundX, BackgroundY, 1600, 800 );

      Context.drawImage( ArrowRightImg, 400, 325 );


/*function doMouseDown(event)
  canvas_x = event.pageX;
  canvas_y = event.pageY; 


var PlayerJump = 0;
var counter = 0;
var PJ = false;

  function jump()
      console.log("You Jump: " + PlayerJump);

        if ( PJ == true )

            if( PlayerJump <= 12 )
                OldBackgroundY = BackgroundY;
                BackgroundY = BackgroundY + 5;
                Context.drawImage( FirstBackgroundImg, BackgroundX, BackgroundY, 1600, 800 );


                 if ( PlayerJump >= 13 && PlayerJump <= 24 )
                    BackgroundY = BackgroundY - 5;
                    Context.drawImage( FirstBackgroundImg, BackgroundX, BackgroundY, 1600, 800 );


                Context.drawImage( ArrowRightImg, 400, 325 );// left

      if ( PlayerJump >= 25 )
               PlayerJump = 0; 
               PJ = false;

document.onkeydown = function(e) 
    e = e || window.event;
    switch(e.which || e.keyCode) 
      case 37:
      Context.fillStyle = 'green'; 
     console.log("You move left");
     OldBackgroundX = BackgroundX;
     BackgroundX = BackgroundX + 20;
     Context.drawImage( FirstBackgroundImg, BackgroundX, BackgroundY, 1600, 800 );
     Context.drawImage( ArrowRightImg, 400, 325 );// left
     Context.fillText( "You move left.", 200, 100 );

document.onkeypress = function(event) 
    event = event || window.event;
    switch(event.which || event.keyCode) 
     case 38: 
         jumppress = true;

            if ( jumppress == true )
               PJ = true;
     if ( PlayerJump >= 1 && PlayerJump < 24 )
       rightpress = false; 

                  // up/jump

     case 39:

     rightpress = true;
     if ( rightpress == true )
     console.log("You move right");
         Context.fillStyle = 'green'; 
     OldBackgroundX = BackgroundX;
     BackgroundX = BackgroundX - 20;
     Context.drawImage( FirstBackgroundImg, BackgroundX, BackgroundY, 1600, 800 );
     Context.drawImage( ArrowRightImg, 400, 325 );// right
         Context.fillText( "You move right.", 200, 100 );
        rightpress = false;



   if ( rightpress == true && jumppress == true )
      //case 39: 
     console.log("You jump right");
         Context.fillStyle = 'green'; 
     OldBackgroundX = BackgroundX;
     BackgroundX = BackgroundX - 20;
     PJ = true;
     Context.drawImage( FirstBackgroundImg, BackgroundX, BackgroundY, 1600, 800 );
     Context.drawImage( ArrowRightImg, 400, 200 );// right
         //Context.fillText( "You move right.", 200, 100 );
        //case 38: 
      if ( PlayerJump <= 24 )
       PJ = false;
       jumppress = false;
       rightpress = false;



 function UpDate()
  if ( PJ == true )

var lastTime = 0;
var ticks    = 0;

function Loop()
  var now =;
  dt = ( now - lastTime ) / 1000.0; 

  //console.log("fired rocket");


  lastTime = now;
  requestAnimFrame( Loop );  // LOOP CALLBACK

var requestAnimFrame =
function( )
  return  window.requestAnimationFrame       ||
          window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
          window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||
          window.oRequestAnimationFrame      ||
          window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||
          function( callback )
              window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 );



Live demo

例如,为运动定义几个变量(仅针对 y 轴,demo 中包含 x 的值):

var floor = h - img.height + 16,  // fixed floor position (here based on image)
    y     = floor,                // set initial y position = floor
    dy    = 0,                    // current delta (=0 no movement on y axis)
    jump  = -5,                   // jump strength
    g     = 0.5;                  // "gravity" strength

当开始跳跃时,我们将 delta y (dy) 设置为等于跳跃强度。您可以根据需要改变强度。这将在 y 值上累积,但由于重力 (g) 轮询增量值,它最终会反转该值,结果将是跳跃。

我们检查我们是否在地板上,当我们回到地面时,可以这么说,只需将 y 设置为地板并清除 delta 值:

// we got a jump or are in a jump
if (dy !== 0 || y !== floor) {
    y += dy;                      // add delta
    dy += g;                      // affect delta with gravity
    if (y > floor) {              // on ground?
        y = floor;                // reset y position
        dy = 0;                   // and clear delta


您也可以在跳跃中多次单击(或敲击一个键)以延长它,这在旧游戏中非常典型。您当然可以通过在单击时检查增量值并仅在 dy === 0


jump 调整一个更负的跳跃强度,如果你想让 Angular 色更快地下降,只需增加重力值 g


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