javascript - NodeJs/Formidable,上传图片错误

标签 javascript node.js file-upload formidable

我正在尝试使用 NodeJs 和 Formidable 制作图像/文件上传表单。我没有使用 express 。简直太厉害了但无论如何,我用 formidable 尝试了最常见的脚本,但没有一个有效。我的代码基本上与本教程中的代码完全相同: 周围有很多这样的教程,我在一些书籍或视频中看到了几乎完全相同的东西,它们似乎都有效,除了我的。我已经安装了 formidable,并且我拥有最新版本的 node.js 和 Node.js。我也是mac。当我尝试上传时,它将通过 form.parse 和所有内容,但是当它尝试写入文件时,它会抛出此错误:

    fs.rename(files.upload.path, "/tmp/test.png", function (error) {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined

我是 Nodejs 的新手,所以任何形式的帮助都会很好。我也试过做 file.write,但它仍然抛出同样的错误。任何帮助将不胜感激(:


var exec = require("child_process").exec;
var qs = require("querystring"),
fs = require("fs"),
formidable = require("formidable"),
url = require( "url" );

function start(response, request) {
var fileName = "start.html"
var localPath = __dirname;
var mimeType = "text/html";
var name = localPath + "/" + fileName;
getFile(name, response, mimeType);
console.log("Request handler 'start' was called.");
console.log("Serving File: " + name);
var body = '<html>'+
    '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" '+
    'content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />'+
    '<form action="/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" '+
    '<input type="file" name="upload" multiple="multiple">'+
    '<input type="submit" value="Upload file" />'+

console.log( "Request for 'start' is called." );

response.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type" : "text/html" } );
response.end( body );

function upload(response, request) {
console.log("Request handler 'upload' was called.");
console.log( "Preparing upload" );

var form = new formidable.IncomingForm();

form.parse(request, function(error, fields, files){
        console.log("Dun Goofed");
    console.log("parsing done");
    fs.rename(files.upload.path, "/tmp/test.png", function (error) {
        if (error) {
            fs.rename(files.upload.path, "/tmp/test.png");
    /* fs.rename(files.upload.path, "/tmp/test.png", function(err){
            fs.rename(files.upload.path, "/tmp/test.png");
    }); */
    response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
    response.write("Received image: <br/>");
    response.write("<img src='./show' />");

exports.start = start;
exports.upload = upload;
// = show;

我省略了一些与文件上传无关的部分,请原谅评论,只是旧代码。我也没有/show 功能,因为我暂时删除了它。 此外,这是我在控制台中遇到的错误。其中一个错误是因为上传取消。输入要上传的文件后,浏览器会在那里等待一段时间,等待服务器请求,而在控制台中,它会在 form.parse 之前停止,并在那里等待大约一分钟,然后它会推出所有错误。

Web Server started on
Request for / received.
About to route a request for /
Served a request for /
Request for 'start' is called.
Request for /upload received.
Received POST data chunk
About to route a request for /upload
Served a request for /upload
Request handler 'upload' was called.
Preparing upload

成功执行到这里。 然后浏览器等了一会,要么弹出没有收到数据,要么网页不可用,然后控制台就出现这些错误。

[Error: Request aborted]
Dun Goofed
parsing done

    fs.rename(files.upload.path, "/tmp/test.png", function (error) {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined
at /Users/USER/Documents/Node/requestHandlers.js:50:31
at IncomingForm.<anonymous>    (/Users/USER/node_modules/formidable/lib/incoming_form.js:89:9)
at IncomingForm.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
at IncomingForm._error (/Users/USER/node_modules/formidable/lib/incoming_form.js:272:8)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous>     (/Users/USER/node_modules/formidable/lib/incoming_form.js:107:12)
at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)
at abortIncoming (http.js:1911:11)
at Socket.serverSocketCloseListener (http.js:1923:5)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
at TCP.close (net.js:465:12)





function start(route, handler) {
    http.createServer(function(request, response) {
        var postData = "";
        var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
        route(handler, pathname, response, request);


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