facebook - 有官方的 Facebook Graph Search API 吗?

标签 facebook facebook-graph-api

你们中的大多数人一定听说过新的 Facebook Graph 搜索。我浏览了数十个文档页面,但找不到完整的 API。

我知道使用当前的 Graph API 可以获得非常相似的结果,但不值得从头开始构建它。

我的问题是:是否有官方的 Facebook Graph Search API?


Graph Search 甚至还没有向全体公众推出。

We're very early in the development of Graph Search. It’s only available in English today and you can search for only a subset of content on Facebook. Posts and Open Graph actions (for example, song listens) are not yet available. We’ll be working on these things over the coming months.

<子> http://newsroom.fb.com/News/562/Introducing-Graph-Search-Beta

开发人员现在只优化他们的应用程序以使其能够被 Graph Search 发现

Apps are now more discoverable on Facebook with Graph Search. In addition to showing up in search results based on your app’s name, they can show up in search results based on criteria like "strategy games my friends play" or "apps my friends who live in San Francisco use." To optimize your app for Graph Search, please make sure your app details are up-to-date and that your app is properly categorized.

<子> https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2013/01/16/platform-updates--operation-developer-love/



目前还没有官方的 Graph Search API,如果有的话,它会通过以下地方之一公布




关于facebook - 有官方的 Facebook Graph Search API 吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14594245/


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