java - Android AssetServer 扩展 NanoHTTPD

标签 java android cordova nanohttpd

我正在开发一个扩展 NanoHTTPD 的 AssetServer,以便访问基于 file://的页面不可用的 Javascript 功能。


class AssetServer extends NanoHTTPD{

    private Activity activity;

    public AssetServer(int port, Activity activity)
        this.activity = activity;

    public Response serve(IHTTPSession session){

        String mime = "text/plain";

        InputStream is = null;
        String path = "www" + session.getUri();
        System.out.println("nanohttpd: serving " + path);
        String response = null;


            is = activity.getAssets().open(path);
            int size = is.available();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[size];

            response = new String(buffer);

        }catch(IOException ioe){
            System.err.println("nanohttpd: error: " + ioe);

        Response res = new Response(Response.Status.OK, mime, response);
        return res;



在我的手机上运行 Android 应用程序时,logcat 输出表明该页面收到了页面请求的一些(但不是全部)文件。我的 loadUrl 调用有五秒钟的延迟,让服务器有时间在提供页面之前预热。

这是 logcat 输出:

04-08 19:19:54.548: I/CordovaLog(16411): Found start page location: index.html
04-08 19:19:54.553: D/Whitelist(16411): Unlimited access to network resources
04-08 19:19:54.553: D/CordovaActivity(16411): Resuming the App
04-08 19:19:54.553: D/CordovaActivity(16411): CB-3064: The errorUrl is null
04-08 19:19:54.568: D/dalvikvm(16411): GC_CONCURRENT freed 252K, 17% free 7664K/9156K, paused 4ms+9ms, total 33ms
04-08 19:19:54.578: D/webcore(16411):  CORE loadUrl: called
04-08 19:19:54.578: D/webkit(16411): Firewall not null
04-08 19:19:54.578: D/webkit(16411): euler: isUrlBlocked = false
04-08 19:19:54.588: D/SoftKeyboardDetect(16411): Ignore this event
04-08 19:19:54.673: D/libEGL(16411): loaded /system/lib/egl/
04-08 19:19:54.683: D/libEGL(16411): loaded /system/lib/egl/
04-08 19:19:54.683: I/System.out(16411): nanohttpd: serving www/index.html
04-08 19:19:54.693: D/libEGL(16411): loaded /system/lib/egl/
04-08 19:19:54.698: E/(16411): Device driver API match
04-08 19:19:54.698: E/(16411): Device driver API version: 20
04-08 19:19:54.698: E/(16411): User space API version: 20 
04-08 19:19:54.698: E/(16411): mali: REVISION=Linux-r3p2-01rel2 BUILD_DATE=Mon Sep  2 14:16:28 KST 2013 
04-08 19:19:54.733: D/OpenGLRenderer(16411): Enabling debug mode 0
04-08 19:19:54.738: D/WebView(16411): onSizeChanged - w:480 h:762
04-08 19:19:54.738: D/CordovaActivity(16411): onMessage(onPageStarted,http://localhost:16086/index.html)
04-08 19:19:54.788: D/WritingBuddyImpl(16411): getCurrentWritingBuddyView() 
04-08 19:19:54.798: I/System.out(16411): nanohttpd: serving www/lib/jquery-2.0.2.min.js
04-08 19:19:54.833: D/dalvikvm(16411): GC_CONCURRENT freed 100K, 16% free 7978K/9404K, paused 8ms+3ms, total 35ms
04-08 19:19:54.863: D/SoftKeyboardDetect(16411): Ignore this event
04-08 19:19:55.198: I/GATE(16411): <GATE-M>DEV_ACTION_COMPLETED</GATE-M>
04-08 19:19:55.198: D/CordovaWebViewClient(16411): onPageFinished(http://localhost:16086/index.html)
04-08 19:19:55.198: D/CordovaActivity(16411): onMessage(onPageFinished,http://localhost:16086/index.html)
04-08 19:19:57.213: D/CordovaActivity(16411): onMessage(spinner,stop)
04-08 19:19:57.243: D/TilesManager(16411): Starting TG #0, 0x539b0050
04-08 19:19:57.243: D/TilesManager(16411): new EGLContext from framework: 52aeba78 
04-08 19:19:57.243: D/GLWebViewState(16411): Reinit shader
04-08 19:19:57.283: D/GLWebViewState(16411): Reinit transferQueue


有人知道我做错了什么吗? 提前致谢!



public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    // Set by <content src="index.html" /> in config.xml

    final Activity activity = this;
    HttpServer server = new HttpServer();
    server.addRequestHandler(new HttpRequestHandler() {
        public HttpResponse handleRequest(HttpRequest request) {
            InputStream is = null;
            String path = "www" + request.getUri();
            String response = null;


                is = activity.getAssets().open(path);
                int size = is.available();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[size];

                response = new String(buffer);
            }catch(IOException ioe){
            System.out.println("embedhttp: serving: " + path + ", " + response.length() + "B");
            return new HttpResponse(HttpStatus.OK, response);

    }catch(IOException ioe){

    super.loadUrl("http://localhost:16086/index.html", 5000);

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