python - 如何确保 buildout 不使用已经安装的包?

标签 python django virtualenv buildout

我正在尝试完全切换到构建 - 但我们的开发环境已经在 /usr/lib/pythonxx/ 中安装了很多东西

我如何确保 buildout 不使用系统上已经安装的库 - 最终没有 virtualenv ?

例如 - 如何避免这种行为? :

> cat buildout.cfg
parts = django

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = django
interpreter = django


>>> import django
>>> django
<module 'django' from '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/__init__.pyc'>

有没有强制构建不使用安装在/usr/lib/python2.6 中的鸡蛋?


您可以通过以下两个指令之一告诉 buildout 是否要使用站点包:include-site-packagesallowed-eggs-from-site-packages

来自扩建documentation :

You can then use include-site-packages = false and exec-sitecustomize = false buildout options to eliminate access to your Python's site packages and not execute its sitecustomize file, if it exists, respectively.

Alternately, you can use the allowed-eggs-from-site-packages buildout option as a glob-aware whitelist of eggs that may come from site-packages. This value defaults to "*", accepting all eggs.

关于python - 如何确保 buildout 不使用已经安装的包?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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