android - 来自多个组件的现场注入(inject)

标签 android dagger-2

在 Dagger2 中是否可以像下面这样从两个模块注入(inject)?

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

  @Inject ProvidedByOne one;
  @Inject ProvidedByTwo two;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {
        ((App) getApplication()).getOneComponent().inject(this);
        ((App) getApplication()).getSecondComponent().inject(this);


Error:(16, 10) error: com.test.dagger.module.TwoModule.Two cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or from an @Provides- or @Produces-annotated method. com.test.activity.MoreActivity.two [injected field of type: com.test.dagger.module.TwoModule.Two two]

Error:(16, 10) error: com.test.dagger.module.OneModule.One cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or from an @Provides- or @Produces-annotated method. [injected field of type: com.test.dagger.module.OneModule.One one]

public class MoreActivity extends SingleFragmentActivity {

    @Inject OneModule.One one;
    @Inject TwoModule.Two two;

    protected Fragment createFragment() {


        return SimpleFragment.newInstance(MoreActivity.class.getSimpleName());

public class OneModule {
    public class One {


    One provideOne() {
        return new One();

public class TwoModule {

    public class Two {


    Two provideTwo() {
        return new Two();

@Component(modules = OneModule.class)
public interface OneComponent {
    void inject(MoreActivity activity);

@Component(modules = TwoModule.class)
public interface TwoComponent {
    void inject(MoreActivity activity);


不,要使用字段注入(inject),您的组件需要能够提供所有用 @Inject 标记的依赖项。


public class OneModule {
    public class One {


    One provideOne() {
        return new One();

public class TwoModule {

    public class Two {


    Two provideTwo() {
        return new Two();

@Component(modules = OneModule.class)
public interface OneComponent {
    OneModule.One one();

@Component(modules = TwoModule.class)
public interface TwoComponent {
    TwoModule.Two two();

public class MoreActivity extends SingleFragmentActivity {

    OneModule.One one;
    TwoModule.Two two;

    protected Fragment createFragment() {

        one = ((App)getApplication()).getOneComponent().one();
        two = ((App)getApplication()).getTwoComponent().two();

        return SimpleFragment.newInstance(MoreActivity.class.getSimpleName());

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