android - 如何将 Googleapiclient 传递给 Google Play 游戏的另一个所有 Activity

标签 android google-play-games google-api-client leaderboard

我尝试使用许多文档和资源,但找不到将 Googleapiclient 传递给另一个 Activity 的正确方法。 对我来说,Google play games sign in successful 是一项 Activity 。我想在另一项 Activity 中提交分数。 请给出如何完成我的项目的想法。


如果您需要经常连接到 GoogleApiClient,那么我可能会创建一个单例类来处理 GoogleApiClient 调用。

 *  Class to maintain singlton object of google api
public class GoogleApiClient_Singleton {
    private static final String TAG = "GoogleApiClient";
    private static GoogleApiClient_Singleton instance = null;

    private static GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient = null;

    protected GoogleApiClient_Singleton() {


    public static GoogleApiClient_Singleton getInstance(GoogleApiClient aGoogleApiClient) {

        if(instance == null) {
            instance = new GoogleApiClient_Singleton();

            if (mGoogleApiClient == null)
                mGoogleApiClient = aGoogleApiClient;

        return instance;

    public GoogleApiClient get_GoogleApiClient(){
        return mGoogleApiClient;


在应用程序类文件中创建对象。不要忘记在 list 中添加应用程序。 然后在我的第二个 Activity 中创建一个新的 GoogleApiClient 实例,然后像这样获取 api 客户端

public class App extends Application {
    private static GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;

    private static App mInstance;

    public void onCreate() {
        mInstance = this;

    public void setClient(GoogleApiClient client){
        mGoogleApiClient = client;

    public GoogleApiClient getClient(){
       return mGoogleApiClient;

// In second activity
GoogleApiClient client = App.getInstance().getClient();

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