android - Unity 上的 Android 排行榜

标签 android unity-game-engine firebase-realtime-database google-play-services facebook-unity-sdk

大家好我正在尝试使用 Google Play 游戏服务 (GPGS) 将排行榜集成到我的 Unit Android 游戏中。然而,GPGS 似乎将从 2018 年 3 月起被弃用(附截图)。此外,当我调用 GPGS 的登录验证时,游戏总是在设备上崩溃。 enter image description here 我正在考虑使用 FB 排行榜,但即使这样似乎也已被弃用。 (附截图) enter image description here 我认为 Firebase 是我唯一的选择,但我找不到任何资源来使用 Firebase 实现排行榜。是否有任何其他替代/ Assets 或 Firebase 资源,有人可以请指点我。 感谢阅读!


AFAIK、礼物、请求和任务将是将被弃用的功能 documentation stated :

We've also examined the features that GPGS offers. While developers use engagement and reporting tools extensively, there is lower usage for Gifts, Requests, and Quests. We therefore plan to stop supporting Gifts, Requests, and Quests. In order to help developers that do use these features plan for their removal, we will leave them open for 12 months, deactivating them by 31st March 2018. We'll be continuing support for other features such as Sign-in, Achievements, Leaderboards and Multiplayer.



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