android - 如何修复 "Execution failed for task ‘:app-guest:transformClassesWithJarMergingForProductionRelease’。”

标签 android google-maps google-play-services google-places google-places-autocomplete

所以问题是谷歌更新了 places SDK 并将它们与谷歌播放服务分开。现在,当我更新 places sdk 并添加:""



但是当我尝试为此创建一个发布 apk 时,它给了我这个:

    What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:app-guest:transformClassesWithJarMergingForProductionRelease’.
    > duplicate entry: android/support/v4/app/INotificationSideChannel$Stub$Proxy.class.

我认为有一些库已经包含在播放服务中,并且正在被新的 places sdk 依赖项重复。



    val plus = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-plus")
    val auth = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-auth")
    val base = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-base")
    val analytics = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-analytics")
    val cast = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-cast")
    val gcm = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-gcm")
    val location = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-location")
    val maps = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-maps",version = "16.1.0")
    val nearby = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-nearby")
    val safetynet = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-safetynet")
    val wallet = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-wallet")
    val tasks = artifact(artifactId = "play-services-tasks")


 // v4 support libraries
    val support_compat = artifact("support-compat")
    val support_core_utils = artifact("support-core-utils")
    val support_core_ui = artifact("support-core-ui")
    val support_media_compat = artifact("support-media-compat")
    val support_fragment = artifact("support-fragment")
    @Deprecated("Prior to Support Library revision 24.2.0, there was a single v4 support library. That library was divided into multiple modules to improve efficiency. For backwards compatibility, if you list support-v4 in your Gradle script, your APK will include all of the v4 modules. However, to reduce APK size, we recommend that you just list the specific modules your app needs.")
    val support_v4 = artifact("support-v4")

    // Multidex Support Library
    /** Multidex - See: */
    val multidex = artifact("multidex", version = Versions.multidex)
    val multidex_instrumentation = artifact("multidex-instrumentation", Versions.multidex)

    // v7 Support Libraries
    val appcompat_v7 = artifact("appcompat-v7")
    val cardview_v7 = artifact("cardview-v7")
    val gridlayout_v7 = artifact("gridlayout-v7")
    val mediarouter_v7 = artifact("mediarouter-v7")
    val palette_v7 = artifact("palette-v7")
    val recyclerview_v7 = artifact("recyclerview-v7")
    val preference_v7 = artifact("preference-v7")

    val support_v13 = artifact("support-v13")
    val preference_v14 = artifact("preference-v14")
    val preference_leanback_v17 = artifact("preference-leanback-v17")
    val leanback_v17 = artifact("leanback-v17")
    val support_vector_drawable = artifact("support-vector-drawable")
    val animated_vector_drawable = artifact("animated-vector-drawable")
    val support_annotations = artifact("support-annotations")
    val design = artifact("design")
    val customtabs = artifact("customtabs")
    @Deprecated("As of release 26.0.0, the Percent Support library is deprecated. Clients of this module should migrate to the new ConstraintLayout widget, which is provided as a separate artifact in SDK Manager.")
    val percent = artifact("percent")
    val exifinterface = artifact("exifinterface")
    val recommendation = artifact("recommendation")
    val wear = artifact("wear")

    val constraint_layout = artifact("constraint-layout", Versions.constraintlayout, ".constraint")





在您的应用程序目录 build.gradle 文件中添加此命令:


    configurations {
        all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4'
        all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'


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