python - 在 PyTest 中创建一个临时目录

标签 python pytest

我的 Python 项目导入 pytest 2.9.0 没有任何问题。

我想创建一个新的空目录,该目录仅在测试 session 期间有效。我看到 pytest 提供临时目录支持:

You can use the tmpdir fixture which will provide a temporary directory unique to the test invocation, created in the base temporary directory.

tmpdir is a py.path.local object which offers os.path methods and more. Here is an example test usage:

pytest 的源代码显示 def tmpdir 是一个全局/模块函数:


import pytest

# ...

def test_foo():
    p = pytest.tmpdir()


AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tmpdir'

执行 from pytest import tmpdir 失败:

ImportError: cannot import name tmpdir


更新:使用tmp_path 代替tmpdirtmp_pathpathlib.Path/pathlib2.Path . tmpdir 是一个 py.path (实际上是 LocalPath ),它提供的语法与 pathlib.Path 非常相似。参见 pytest issue .

开发人员不再推荐使用 py.path。


def test_something_else(tmp_path):
    #create a file "myfile" in "mydir" in temp directory
    f1 = tmp_path / "mydir/myfile"
    f1.parent.mkdir() #create a directory "mydir" in temp folder (which is the parent directory of "myfile"
    f1.touch() #create a file "myfile" in "mydir"

    #write to file as normal 
    f1.write_text("text to myfile")

    assert f1.read_text() == "text to myfile" 


tmpdir 是 pytest 中的预定义 fixture ,类似于此处定义的 setup:

import pytest

class TestSetup:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 4

def setup():
    return TestSetup()

def test_something(setup)
    assert setup.x == 4

因此 tmpdir 是在 pytest 中定义的固定名称,如果您将其作为参数名称,它会传递给您的测试函数。


def test_something_else(tmpdir):
    #create a file "myfile" in "mydir" in temp folder
    f1 = tmpdir.mkdir("mydir").join("myfile")

    #create a file "myfile" in temp folder
    f2 = tmpdir.join("myfile")

    #write to file as normal 
    f1.write("text to myfile")

    assert == "text to myfile"

这在您使用 pytest 运行它时有效,例如在终端中运行 py.test。以这种方式生成的文件具有读写权限,稍后可以在您的系统临时文件夹中查看(对我来说这是/tmp/pytest-of-myfolder/pytest-1/test_create_file0)

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