android - 如何在异步任务中调用 ksoap2?

标签 android .net web-services android-asynctask ksoap2

我是安卓开发新手。我正在尝试开发一个应用程序,它将与 .net webservice 连接以检索数据。我想用 AsyncTask 调用 ksoap2。我如何使用 asynctask 将其称为 asyncronus

我的 SoapCall 类是

public class SoapCall {

public final static String SOAP_ACTION = "";

public final static String OPERATION_NAME = "ExecuteEBSCommand";

public final static String NAMESPACE = "";

public final static String URL = "";

public String connection(String Command, String CommandParameters) throws Throwable, Throwable {
    String response = null;
    SoapObject Request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, OPERATION_NAME);
    Request.addProperty("strCommand", Command);
    Request.addProperty("strCommandParameters", CommandParameters);

    SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(
    soapEnvelope.dotNet = true;
    // Needed to make the internet call

    // Allow for debugging - needed to output the request

        HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);
        androidHttpTransport.debug = true;
        // this is the actual part that will call the webservice, soapEnvelope);

        // Get the SoapResult from the envelope body.
        SoapObject result = (SoapObject) soapEnvelope.bodyIn;

        response = result.getProperty(0).toString();

    return response;

到目前为止,我通过在主要 Activity 中调用连接方法来获得响应

SoapCall  call1= new SoapCall();

call1.connection("get_clients", "%");


使用 AsyncTask 很简单。这是一个例子。

 public class MyTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String>{

    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
    String response = null;
    SoapObject Request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, OPERATION_NAME);
    Request.addProperty("strCommand", params[0]);
    Request.addProperty("strCommandParameters", params[1]);

    SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(
    soapEnvelope.dotNet = true;
    // Needed to make the internet call

    // Allow for debugging - needed to output the request

    HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);
    androidHttpTransport.debug = true;
    // this is the actual part that will call the webservice, soapEnvelope);

    // Get the SoapResult from the envelope body.
    SoapObject result = (SoapObject) soapEnvelope.bodyIn;

    response = result.getProperty(0).toString();

    return response;


MyTask myTask = new MyTask();
myTask.execute(new String[] {Command, CommandParameters});


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