android - 如何在 Android Maps v2 api 的标记上强制重新加载 InfoWindow?

标签 android google-maps infowindow

大家好,我是 Android 编程的初学者,我正在尝试为我的 map 应用程序上的标记制作自定义信息窗口。我的 InfoWindows 必须显示动态图像(我用 Picasso 库下载并设置)不同的临时标记和一些文本字段,例如“POI”的名称、地址和以分钟为单位的距离、步行和开车。问题是 InfoWindowAdapter 是图像,所以我看到唯一的方法是强制重新加载标记信息窗口的显示。但是,如果我尝试(正如我在某些论坛以及 StackOverflow 上的其他问题中看到的那样),我的应用程序就会崩溃。下面我发布了我的代码和评论,可以帮助你和我的应用程序的屏幕。真的很感谢大家。




// ****** Custom InfoWindowAdapter ****** //
map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new InfoWindowAdapter() {

View v = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.custom_info_window, null);

public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {                //As I've seen on the web, if the marker is null and it is showing infowindow, I do a refresh,
    if (marker != null && marker.isInfoWindowShown()){    //but with the debug I've seen that it doesn't never enter in this IF statement and nothing happen when the image is loaded.
    return null;

public View getInfoContents(final Marker marker) {

BuildInfoMatrix req = new BuildInfoMatrix();

String nome = marker.getTitle();
String currentUrl = "";

int vuoto = -15;

    currentUrl=req.findImageUrl(nome); //from another class (BuildInfoMatrix) I retrieve the right image marker URL to display
}catch(Exception e){
    currentUrl = ""; //If the currentURL is null (I haven't set any URL for the marker) it set an error image
if (currentUrl == null)
    currentUrl = "";
ImageView image;
image = (ImageView) v.findViewById(; //image_nuvoletta is where it will be placed on the InfoWindowAdapter

Picasso.with(v.getContext())         //Here with Picasso I download the image and I set into
    .load(currentUrl)                //
    .resize(150, 110)
    .into(image, new Callback(){
    public void onSuccess(){
        //I should reload here (when the image have been downloaded) the infoWindowAdapter but
        //if I place here "marker.showInfoWindow()" the app crash; without, nothing happens.

    public void onError(){




我有同样的问题,在去任何地方都没有找到答案之后,我尝试使用 new Handler().postDelayed() 并且它真的对我有用。

public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
    // Left it empty
    return null;

public View getInfoContents(final Marker marker) {

    Picasso.with(v.getContext())         //Here with Picasso I download the image and I set into
        .load(currentUrl)                //
        .resize(150, 110)
        .into(image, new Callback(){
        public void onSuccess(){
            new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
            }, 500);

        public void onError(){
            new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
            }, 500);


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