android - 为什么位置服务是 Google Play 服务 APK 的一部分?

标签 android location google-play-services user-activity

我知道定位服务是 Google Play 服务 APK 的一部分。


我需要澄清以下事项才能使用 Google Play 服务 - 位置更新或用户 Activity 识别。

o   Why the Google play store needs to be installed to get the location update or user activity status. 
o   Why the required functionality is not integrated with android SDK. 



您也可以查看此链接, Overview of Google Play Services

Q1。为什么需要安装 Google Play 商店才能获取位置更新或用户 Activity 状态。

Google Play services APK contains the individual Google services and runs as a background service in the Android OS. You interact with the background service through the client library and the service carries out the actions on your behalf.

Q2.为什么需要的功能没有集成到android SDK中?

Google Play services gives you the freedom to use the newest APIs for popular Google services without worrying about device support. Updates to Google Play services are distributed automatically by the Google Play Store and new versions of the client library are delivered through the Android SDK Manager. This makes it easy for you to focus on what's important: your users' experience.

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