android - 使用 LinearLayout.LayoutParams 将 WRAP_CONTENT 更改为设定的数字

标签 android android-linearlayout layoutparams

我已经设置了一些 LinearLayout.LayoutParams 以仅使用 java 设置一些按钮。但我想将其从 WRAP_CONTENT 更改为我选择的高度和宽度。

//LinearLayout.LayoutParams top;
//this is declared at the top as it is used by different bits of the code.
top = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams
            (LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
    top.topMargin = 100;
    top.leftMargin = 120;


top = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams
            (90, 80); 



public LayoutParams(int width, int height) {
        super(width, height);
        weight = 0;

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