android - 如何使用 Ionic 3 将文本文件的内容作为字符串获取?

标签 android typescript ionic-framework ionic3


this.item = this.params.get('filename');
console.log("[INFO] Opening File: >" + this.item + "<");
this.textboxContent = this.file.readAsText(this.file.dataDirectory, this.item);
console.log("[INFO] Content of textboxContent: >" + this.textboxContent + "<");

但是我进入了 logcat:

[INFO:CONSOLE(56865)] "[INFO] Content of textboxContent: >[object Promise]<"


[INFO:CONSOLE(56863)] "[INFO] Opening File: >SomeFile.txt<"


这是因为 readAsText 返回一个 promise 。你应该这样做

this.file.readAsText(this.file.dataDirectory, this.item).then((content)=>  
  this.textboxContent = content;

关于android - 如何使用 Ionic 3 将文本文件的内容作为字符串获取?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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