iphone - 在基于文档的应用程序中保存更改的用户界面注意事项

标签 iphone android user-interface mobile user-experience

我正在为 iPhone 和 Android 移动设备制作图像编辑器(例如,用于绘制图片和图表)。这个问题也适用于任何涉及编辑文件的事情,例如电子表格、视频、文本文件。



  1. 我发现在测试中,当显示“保存更改?是/否/取消”对话框时,用户不小心选择了错误的选项是很常见的。
  2. 向普通用户解释“保存”和“保存副本”之间的区别尤其棘手,而且误解会导致数据丢失。我也想要一个像“另存为”这样的选项,但这可能是最令人困惑的保存选项,尤其是因为您真的不希望用户在移动设备上指定文件名。



  • 退出应用程序时,更改始终会在退出时保存到新文件中,而不会提示。然后,用户可以根据需要手动丢弃原始文件或编辑后的副本


  • 当从编辑器的菜单中选择“保存”时,更新后的文档将保存到新文件 F 中,所有以后的“保存”操作都将覆盖 F。意外破坏原始文件的选项。唯一的问题是,如果用户保存、进行一些更改然后想离开编辑器并放弃自上次保存以来的更改,该怎么办。我能想到的唯一想法是在退出时添加提示或添加“放弃”更改菜单选项。





让我们以 iPad 版 Numbers 为例。
如果我编辑电子表格,Numbers 永远不会询问我是否要保存,它只会保存。
如果我进行了更改,我可以稍后撤消它们,因为有撤消功能。 即使我强制退出该应用程序,撤消选项也会在我下次启动它时出现。



我想知道您如何在应用程序退出时要求用户保存。在 iOS 上,这应该是不可能的。

顺便说一句,iOS 人机界面指南是这样说的:

Ask People to Save Only When Necessary

People should have confidence that their work is always preserved unless they explicitly cancel or delete it. If your application helps people create and edit documents, make sure that they do not have to take an explicit save action. iOS apps should take responsibility for saving people’s input, both periodically and when they open a different document or quit the application.

If the main function of your application is not content creation, but you allow people to switch between viewing information and editing it, it can make sense to ask them to save their changes. In this scenario, it often works well to provide an Edit button in the view that displays the information. When people tap the Edit button, you can replace it with a Save button and add a Cancel button. The transformation of the Edit button helps remind people that they’re in an editing mode and might need to save changes, and the Cancel button gives them the opportunity to exit without saving their changes.

For iPad, save information that people enter in a popover (unless they cancel their work), because they might dismiss the popover without meaning to. For more guidelines specific to using popovers, see “Popover (iPad Only).”

关于iphone - 在基于文档的应用程序中保存更改的用户界面注意事项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5456402/


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