android - "getDataDir()"与 getFilesDir 有何不同?

标签 android

返回文件对象的“getDataDir()”已从 API 24 添加。如果使用它,它要求最低 API 级别为 24。


Returns the absolute path to the directory on the filesystem where all private files belonging to this app are stored. Apps should not use this path directly; they should instead use getFilesDir(), getCacheDir(), getDir(String, int), or other storage APIs on this class.

The returned path may change over time if the calling app is moved to an adopted storage device, so only relative paths should be persisted.

No additional permissions are required for the calling app to read or write files under the returned path.

getDataDir()(在 API 24 中添加)与 getFilesDir() 或 Environment.getDataDirectory() 有何不同?

该功能可以在哪些可能的场景下使用?.我知道现有的路径函数 <=23


getFilesDir() 返回的目录将在 getDataDir() 中。两者都与返回所有内部存储的根的 Environment.getDataDirectory() 没有任何关系。

In what possible scenarios can the function be used?


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