android - 在 Android 应用程序中使用 MonkeyRunner?

标签 android monkeyrunner


Possible Duplicate:
Setup MonkeyRunner on Android

我需要能够从蓝牙设备等外部源执行 Android 输入事件,例如触摸、多点触摸、拖动等。我遇到了 MonkeyRunner,但我并不完全清楚它如何或是否对我有用。是否可以从蓝牙输入运行 MonkeyRunner 命令来模拟触摸输入?

如果不是 MonkeyRunner,是否还有其他一些 API 可以证明对我的需求有用?



I need to be able to execute Android input events such as touch, multi touch, drag, etc. from an external source such as a Bluetooth device.

这是不可能的,除非通过固件修改或可能 Root设备。

Would it be possible to run MonkeyRunner commands from Bluetooth input to simulate touch input?


If not MonkeyRunner, is there some other API that would prove useful for my needs?


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