android - 我们如何定义 ViewObject(位图)的动态(抛物线)路径

标签 android canvas view 2d

我目前正在开发一款2D Android 游戏

在这个游戏中,一个ViewObject(Bitmap)Parabola Path上在屏幕上移动,就像在这个图像中一样,但是这个路径是静态的,静态路径正在穿过在 Canvas 上用手指绘图,


enter image description here


//animation step
private static int iMaxAnimationStep = 900;
private int iCurStep = 0;
private Path ptCurve = new Path(); //curve
private PathMeasure pm;            //curve measure
private float fSegmentLen;         //curve segment length

 //init smooth curve
    PointF point = aPoints.get(0);
    ptCurve.moveTo(point.x, point.y);

    for(int i = 0; i < aPoints.size() - 1; i++){
        point = aPoints.get(i);
        PointF next = aPoints.get(i+1);
  ptCurve.quadTo(point.x, point.y, (next.x + point.x) / 2, (point.y + next.y) / 2);

    pm = new PathMeasure(ptCurve, false);
    fSegmentLen = pm.getLength() / iMaxAnimationStep;//20 animation steps

    //animate the Bitmap
    Matrix  mxTransform = new Matrix();
    if (iCurStep <= iMaxAnimationStep) 

        pm.getMatrix(fSegmentLen * iCurStep, mxTransform,
        mxTransform.preTranslate(-Bitmap.getWidth(), -Bitmap.getHeight());

       canvas.drawBitmap(Bitmap, mxTransform, null);

        iCurStep++; //advance to the next step;
    } else {
        iCurStep = 0;


但我的问题是我想在动态路径(抛物线)上移动这个ViewObject(Bitmap) 并且动态曲线路径适用于任何设备。

我已经搜索了 Lot,但找不到如何获得动态路径(抛物线曲线)的解决方案。



根据您的屏幕尺寸填充 aPoints 数组,并根据这些点获得抛物线路径,这非常简单。我已经删除了所有位图/动画代码,下面的代码将计算路径并将其绘制在屏幕上。


private int numberOfCurves = 5;

这样很容易为每个抛物线计算 3 个点:

public void calculatePoints(){
        float w = v.getWidth(); //Screen width
        float h = v.getHeight(); //Screen height
        float curveSize = w/numberOfCurves; // Curve size
        float curveHeight = (h/100) * 20; //80% of the screen size
        Log.d(TAG,"h:"+h +" - w:" + w); 
        float lastX = 0; //last used X coordinate
        for (int i=0;i<numberOfCurves;i++){  //for each curve we'll need 3 points
            float newX = lastX + curveSize; 
            PointF p = new PointF(lastX, h); //first point is the last point                
            PointF p1 = new PointF((lastX + newX)/2, curveHeight); //the middle point is halfway between the last and the new point
            PointF p2 = new PointF(newX,h); // the new point is last point + the size of our curve
            aPoints.add(p);  //fill in the array 
            lastX = newX; //update last point

            //log our points
        for (PointF p : aPoints){
            Log.d(TAG,p.x +"-"+p.y);                

现在我们有一组定义每条抛物线的点,我们需要绘制它。不要使用 quadTo,而是使用 cubicTo .它需要 3 个点并绘制连接它们的曲线。将其放在 Draw 上,您就可以在屏幕上绘制抛物线。

private Path ptCurve = new Path(); //curve
        public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

            PointF point = aPoints.get(0);
            ptCurve.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
            for(int i = 0; i < aPoints.size() - 1; i+=3){
                point = aPoints.get(i);
                PointF middle = aPoints.get(i+1);
                PointF next = aPoints.get(i+2);
                ptCurve.cubicTo(point.x, point.y, middle.x,middle.y, next.x , next.y);

                canvas.drawPath(ptCurve, paint);            

因此,您的 ptCurve 变量现在填充了一条抛物线路径,其中包含您之前定义的尽可能多的曲线,并且它适用于任何屏幕尺寸。

关于android - 我们如何定义 ViewObject(位图)的动态(抛物线)路径,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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