javascript - 如何使用 mongojs 遍历整个 MongoDB 集合?

标签 javascript mongodb coffeescript iterator mongojs

我正在使用 mongojs,我正在尝试遍历集合中的所有元素

index = 0

db.keys.find({}, {uid: 1, _id: 0}).forEach((err, key) =>
    if err?
        console.log err
        console.log (++index) + " key: " + key_uid


1 key: bB0KN
2 key: LOtOL
3 key: 51xJM
4 key: x9wFP
5 key: hcJKP
6 key: QZxnE
96 key: EeW6E
97 key: wqfmM
98 key: LIGHK
99 key: bjWTI
100 key: 2zNGE
101 key: F71mL

然后停止。但是,当我从终端登录 mongo 并运行时

> db.keys.count()



您需要使用 each() 方法,而不是 forEach()。 forEach() 将遍历批处理中的每个文档 - 正如您发现的那样,默认值为 101。each() 将遍历光标中的每个文档。来自文档:


Iterates over all the documents for this cursor. As with {cursor.toArray}, not all of the elements will be iterated if this cursor had been previouly accessed. In that case, {cursor.rewind} can be used to reset the cursor. However, unlike {cursor.toArray}, the cursor will only hold a maximum of batch size elements at any given time if batch size is specified. Otherwise, the caller is responsible for making sure that the entire result can fit the memory.


// Grab a cursor
      var cursor = collection.find();

      // Execute the each command, triggers for each document
      cursor.each(function(err, item) {

        // If the item is null then the cursor is exhausted/empty and closed
        if(item == null) {

          // Show that the cursor is closed
          cursor.toArray(function(err, items) {
            assert.ok(err != null);

            // Let's close the db

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