android - Google Play 服务修订版 24

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修订版 24 对应 Google Play Services 7.3

Highlights in Version 7.3:

  • Wear - This release provides you with the ability to advertise and discover the capabilities of devices that are connected in a Wear network, through the new CapabilityApi class. The new ChannelApi class lets you send and receive data bi-directionally from your wearable app on a device to another wearable node. Use the Channel API to send large files for offline access or to stream real-time binary data.
  • Fit - This release provides a new HistoryApi.readDailyTotal() method for you to get aggregated daily data for a given data type. This release also introduces data types for recording granular nutrition information including protein, fat, cholesterol, and more.
  • Location - This release adds a maximum wait time for location updates. By calling the new setMaxWaitTime() method and passing in a value at least double the value requested with the setInterval() method, the system can batch location updates together, reducing battery usage and, on some devices, improving location accuracy. In addition, you can use the new LocationCallback class to be notified when the device location has changed or can no longer be determined.

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