android - ANTLR 和 Android

标签 android antlr

有没有关于如何在 Android 上使用 ANTLR 的指南?我找到了一些适用于 Android 的 ANTLR 移植,但看起来没有任何教程或手册。你知道在哪里可以找到一些吗? (是的,我一直在谷歌搜索......)



阅读此 ANTLR port 中的自述文件后:

AntlrJavaRuntime - Earlence Fernandes, The CRePE Project, VU Amsterdam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Runtime is available as an external library against which apps can link. It provides the necessary mechanisms to execute Lexer/Parser code generated by the ANTLR tool. The model is offline, in the sense that the parser/lexer is generated off the mobile phone on a desktop computer. The resulting files are transferred to an Android project which then uses this library.


  1. lunch the appropriate target
  2. make AntlrJavaRuntime
  3. verify that AntlrJavaRuntime.xml was placed in /system/etc/permissions and AntlrJavaRuntime.jar was placed in /system/framework
  4. after this, you can run a normal make

在我看来,唯一的区别是当您想在 Android 设备(或模拟器)上运行解析器时,您必须在 Android 项目/应用程序中包含 AntlrJavaRuntime。

因此,编写语法、从所述语法生成解析器和词法分析器将与在“普通”机器上相同。这是之前的问答,展示了如何编写简单的表达式解析器:ANTLR: Is there a simple example?


另请参阅此问答:android ANTLR make not working properly

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