android - 在移动设备上测试 android 应用程序

标签 android

我是 android 环境的新手,我的问题可能很愚蠢。


我遵循 list 文件“使用导出向导导出并签署 APK”中的步骤。

我把它传到我的手机里,但我无法安装它。我使用“easy installer”应用程序来安装 apk。



我的手机上有一些第 3 方应用程序,我可以安装它们。所以我认为我手机的设置是正确的。



You need to enable USB debugging on the phone itself (by starting the Settings application and selecting Applications > Development > USB Debugging), install the Android USB device driver if you haven’t already (Windows only), and then plug the phone into your computer using the USB cable that came with the phone. Close the emulator window if it’s already open. As long as the phone is plugged in, Eclipse will load and run applications on the phone instead. You need to right-click the project and select Run As > Android Application.

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