python - 如何从 pymongo 运行原始 mongodb 命令

标签 python mongodb pymongo

mongo 命令行中我可以运行


我需要从 Python 获取我的收藏统计信息,所以我尝试了

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient()
db = client.test_database

collection = db.test_collection



TypeError: 'Collection' object is not callable. 
If you meant to call the 'stats' method on a 'Collection' object it is failing because no such method exists.

这是因为pymongo不支持该方法。如何通过 Python 将原始 mongoDB 命令发送到 mongo


from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient()

db = client.test_database

print(db.command("collstats", "test_collection"))

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